
Until now the Danish winter has been relatively mild. Very little snow and some mornings with a white covering of frost covering the countryside. A few days ago was such a morning and we decided to go to the forest. By the time we had breakfasted and got ourselves ready, the frost on the trees had largely disappeared and only the undergrowth and the short grasses had retained the frost. It was a bright day with a blue sky and the forest was busy with people who had the same idea as we. This couple passed us while we were photographing.
We returned home refreshed and inspired.

High on a hill

The day began with a clear blue sky much welcome after days of rain. it seemed a good day for a drive into the countryside. Before long clouds appeared, creating dramatic views over the the landscape. we set course for this old windmill perched on a hill in the otherwise flat country. we finished our drive with tea at a lovely lake.

Woody revisits

We have always done a lot to get the birds to visits our garden. Several years ago families of Great Spotted Woodpeckers visited my special constructed “Woody” pole. Magpies moved in and the Woodpeckers and other birds became fewer. Early one morning a couple of weeks ago, we were lying in bed with our cup of Tea, when we heard a Woodpecker in one of the dead branches in our old plum tree. I have specially left the many dead branches on the deceased tree to encourage the birds. Between us we managed to get the camera and take several pictures of this female Great Spotted Woodpecker. As can be seen, from the flying dust, she was hard at work. She came back a few more times, but lately we haven’t seen her. but we have seen plenty of signs of her

Pied Kingfisher

In 2007 we returned to South Africa for a three weeks visit. A good deal of that time we spent in game reserves. It was in the Mkuze reserve in the northern part of KwaZulu Natal that we came across a, not much used, observation platform. from There we saw several Pied Kingfishers. I found them totally fascinating and have often since thought of spending time just making a project of photographing them.
Camera Nikon D2X
Lens Nikon 200 – 400 mm

Where Moose and Wild Boar roam

Where Moose and Wild Boar roam
Lately I have been going over my old files. Yesterday I was looking at my work from 2005, I was then using my first digital Nikon, a Nikon D70. Today it would be considered hopelessly antiquated with a low pixel count and poor dynamic range, but I am very happy with this result. What is the famous saying about the best camera is …..
This image was photographed on one of our wonderful holidays in Sweden, far away from the maddening crowd.

In the shade of the Chestnut tree

I am not sure, that it was actually a chestnut tree, but thought it sounded good in the title. The scene looked very peaceful only, marred by the smartphone. In time our grandchildren will no doubt think of smartphones as strange old fashioned gadgets. Camera Fuji x100s
I am not sure, that it was actually a chestnut tree, but thought it sounded good in the title. The scene looked very peaceful only, marred by the smartphone. In time our grandchildren will no doubt think of smartphones as strange old fashioned gadgets.
Camera Fuji x100s