Flexible barcode

The second stage of the Copenhagen Metro is nearing completion, but the city is still dotted with its construction sites. This one is situated at the end of the beautiful lakes that flow through Copenhagen. The company constructing the Metro have put a lot of effort into making the sites as nice looking as possible and have decorated the hoardings in all sort of creative ways.
I enjoy walking along the lakes, that many hundreds of years ago were constructed to imitate the Seine in Paris and do it very successfully.


Few in the neighbourhood will remember when Udmirs Kiosk was not there. Udmir is Turkish. He is pleasant to all and often has a few little treats for the children. For most of the day small groups of, what looks like socially disadvantaged people, gather outside to chat and drink beer. The beer is often bought on credit from Udmir. He is always kind, but I have heard, that he controls the credit with a firm hand and should any of them get unruly he will send them packing.
This part of Copenhagen is undergoing great change. Situated near the old Carlsberg brewery, it was, and still is a “Workers” part of the City. A former socialist prime minister live for many years in his modest flat in the area. Now the old Carlsberg site is being developed with high rise luxury flats and shopping centres. This rubs of on the area and property prices are rising
Camera Nikon D750

The collector

He was reasonably nicely dressed. He did not look as if he was in any special need. I just think that he followed the maxim “waste not want not” So he carefully checked the dustbins for returnable bottles.
Camera Nikon D750

Been shopping

She walked out of the shop. She was old and bent and struggling along pulling her trolley. As I often do when I see people like that, I wondered about her background. What was she going back to? A lonely flat, a frail husband? Did she have adult children to support her?
or grandchildren to bring light into her life. We are daily surrounded by so many fates, some sad some happy. Behind me a homeless was lying on the wet pavement in an alcoholic sleep a couple of empty bottles next to him. Life moved on

The Backyard

My expensive photo gear has been collecting dust. My life has been occupied by other things. The other day I did a short walk in Copenhagen. I do like to take pictures of backyards. I call it “empty Street photography” often the artefacts left by people speaks more of people than pictures of them. It gives the imagination free reign.
I know that many will insist that there must be people in street photos. Let them think what they like. Most of the pictures by one of the early street photographers Eugen Aget had no people in them, but speaks volumes.
Camera Fuji X100S